The 4 Ws of Git
WHAT is Git?
WHO is Git made for?
WHY is Git used?
WHEN is Git used?
Last but not least, HOW do we use Git?
Let's start with the WHAT
Git is tool that's used in the programming Industry.
Specifically to track project work done, and the changes to files we've made.
The more correct term is Source Control.
It is NOT a programming language.
Now we move onto the WHO.
Git is a tool made for (usually) us programmers to track the work we've done.
Programmer socks (not) included.
Now we need to ask the WHY.
Why would we need a tool like this?
Why not use Google Drive instead?
I will find your IP address.
In all honesty,
It's to help keep track of who did what.
And to work on unique features...
without affecting the main area/branch (we'll return to this) of our work.
Now finally the WHEN.
When DO we use git?
Because Git keeps track of the changes we've made to files,
We can then use it to commit and stage these files,
and push them to a place where we can store them.
This place is called a Repository.
But, an interesting feature of git, is that it allows you to time-travel.
Meaning that if a project breaks, you can go back to before it broke.
Now I hear you in the audience asking...
Why not use SVN?
The answer is simple.
An actual answer is that Git is Distributed, and SVN in centralized.
Simply put, devs can store their changes locally on their machines,
where on SVN they're stored on a central system.
With a central system you NEED to be connected at all times to work on it.
You can work locally on git without having to be connected,
and then push once you're reconnected.
Back to git.
Let's start with the basics.
Please get your laptop out
How to download git & git LFS
Don't do this
Setup SSH key (see
git init
git remote add origin <repo_url>
git pull origin <branch_name>
git add <file_name>
git commit -m "<commit_message>"
git push origin <branch_name>