CI: Continuous Integration
CD: Continuous Delivery/Deployment
This is regularly testing and merging into the main branch.
Anyone contributing to skynet will have seen the test/linter pipelines.
Its easier/less painful to test small changes.
Automatically building or deploying teh final product after CI
Builds/deploys in a reliable manner.
So you have been using Git right?
But you have been SSHing into teh server to update the code in production
Which is grand but tedious.
You forgot to push the new update last ween to the server.
Now its Friday and ye got DnD this evening.
So ye quicky pull ghe git repo in and run the init script.
Then ye quickly leave, thinking of what your Fairy Barbarian will do next
You may have forgotten to test it properly though.....
rm -rf $userdir/
You just wiped everything!
Did you spot the typo?
So what are the things that went wrong?
CI/CD in this case will test and then deploy, automagically.
If it finds an error the pipeline stops.
Some pipelines have the option to undo a bad deploy.
It allows Devs to deploy early and often (feel like making an impact)
Gives Ops folks more reliability, same process every time.
Handles tediousness.
It does require more up front time investment to get set up.
Well worth it for piece of mind.
Back in 2009 there were 4+ admins
They were each responsible for their own servers.
Each had their own processes.
Handed down like arcane scrolls.
Now said scrolls are codified.
Since pipeline deploys on our behalf no need to have admin access.
Use this time to explore the nixos repo to explain